We preserve and protect the world's finest pianos!

Piano Moving

Thank you for your interest in our moving services. As an A-rated BBB member, we provide top professional moving services at competitive prices. We move all instruments from spinets to concert grands, as well as home and church organs.

Please fill out the form below, and we will provide you with a price estimate. If you would prefer to speak with us via phone or email, please contact us.

Contact Information


E-mail Address:

Home Phone:

Work Phone:

Cell Phone:

Best time to call:

Moving Addresses

Move from Address:

Move from City:

Move to Address:

Move to City:

Piano Description

Type of Piano:

Height of piano (if upright)
or length (if grand):


- Number: Stair Shape:

- Number: Stair Shape:

Other Notes or Comments

Please type this number here:

Pickle Piano Company
104 West Lake Street
Bloomingdale, IL 60108

Telephone: 630-894-2992
Fax: 630-894-2743
E-mail: questions@picklepiano.com

©2025 Pickle Piano Co.
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