Piano Rentals
Piano teachers recommend having beginning students play on a real piano to develop their touch control and musical expression, but purchasing a piano is a big commitment when it is unknown how long a student will pursue piano playing. What to do?
Renting a piano puts a real piano into the hands of a new student while avoiding a commitment to purchase the instrument. If things don't work out, the rental can be returned. If the student is successful and continues, the rental can be purchased or traded in for another rental or the purchase of a different piano.
Consider a 6-month rental plan to evaluate a student's interest. At the end of the rental term the piano can be returned or purchased. If purchased, rental payments are credited toward the purchase. This program applies to both upright and grand pianos. This program is popular for people in temporary residence who want the use of a piano, as well as for beginning piano students.
Finally, for special events, including meetings, concerts, and weddings, a short-term piano rental is available.
Rental program rates vary according to the cost of the piano. Please contact us for rates and current selection of models available.
Pickle Piano Company
104 West Lake Street
Bloomingdale, IL 60108
Telephone: 630-894-2992
Fax: 630-894-2743
E-mail: questions@picklepiano.com
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